However, there is one thing I’ve learned this week that doesn't require homework: how to be a Bent-arm Beauty.
In Wing Chun, punches are practiced with arms slightly bent. If you've been practicing another martial art for a while, this may look to you like it’s not “full-out” or it’s improper form. In some martial arts—karate, for example—the punch is fully extended when practicing. But, while it looks good and, yes, it could possibly hurt the other guy, the danger in real combat is that you may not hit your target.
The very first thing I ever learned about punching, I learned as a teenager. You don’t try to hit your target, you try to hit THROUGH it. Don’t aim for the other guy’s teeth—aim for the back of his throat. Through his teeth. When you practice a fully-extended punch, you don’t leave yourself any room to push through your target.
Have you ever had one of those nightmares where you’re trying to hit something and you just can’t connect? Practicing with straightened arms puts you in danger of hitting air when push comes to shove. What if your opponent pulls his chin back? Perhaps you do hit him, but it won’t be with much force, which means your fight is going to be a lot longer than you may have stamina for, especially if your opponent picks an inopportune moment to land you on cement (you have a bad cold, your kids are close at hand, you're carrying a backpack and an armload of books, etc.). One of my good buddy Si-Hings says, “If the fight lasts a full minute, you’re going to get hurt.” So it has to end as quickly as it starts.
Perhaps because your punch is just out of serious damage range, you lean forward to extend your reach. This, of course, throws you off balance. Remember, you’re going to have an adrenaline rush propelling you further than anything you did on the mat. It’s not going to be perfect--it's probably going to be ugly. Who cares, as long as you're winning? But if your balance is compromised, you could really be screwed.
It seems to me (neophyte that I am) that the whole basis upon which Wing Chun rests IS balance, the foundation upon which all other principles can be built. It’s hard enough to maintain proper balance when dealing with an opponent who is trying to jackhammer that foundation out from under you. You certainly don’t want to sabotage yourself in the first round.
In Wing Chun, then, punches are practiced with a slightly bent arm, allowing for an extension through the target, allowing for the possibility of a backward-moving target, and allowing you to maintain your balance. As an added bonus, you’re also less likely to painfully hyper-extend your arm during practice--like I did back when I was a sashless newb. There are so very many benefits.
Si-Fu tells me when I’ve done 10,000 punches, perhaps I’ll have the answer to my knuckle question. I’ll probably have an adequate amount of practical experience with those bent-arm punches, too. I’ll let you know what I discover when I’m through.
Yut, yee, sarm, say, ng...
I guess I do have homework afterall. Mm. Beauty has it's price, right?
Luk, chut, bart, gou, sub…
Concentrating on the bottom knuckles drops the wrist, which gets the body's weight behind it.
ReplyDeleteI am no expert, just a longterm enthusiast, but I used to do a trick for my English class (I taught Jr. High) where I would put a phone book against a cabinet and punch it-- beginning with the knuckles touching the phonebook, so no windup. It made a great noise. One time, however, I could not find the phone book, so did the punch without it (remember this is beginning with the knuckles actually touching the wood-- and broke my knuckle! "Dropping" the weight increases the force, which is why the focus on the bottom knuckles, how I see it any way. diverdonreed@pacbell.net
I love how you put your Wing Chun learnings to words. You are a great writer. My understanding of using the BOTOOM 3 KNUCKLES is this; Since you are using a verticle punch you will benefit from a larger surface area hitting your target (3 knuckles opposed to 2), you will utilize the wrist snapping or whipping motion (the turning up of the fist) this structure is supported by the elbow structure allowing for more power while remaining relaxed.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
(rough English translation of your comment: "The only thing to fear is fear itself...")
I am not afraid of being afraid. Fear makes us aware; it makes us alert to the dangers that are and might be around us. Fear can mean the difference between survival and death. Living in constant fear is unhealthy, but I believe a little fear keeps us alive.
Thanks for the comment!
@Anonymous and @Trenoops:
ReplyDeleteThank you both for weighing in and helping me to clarify--I get it, now!
@Trenoops: Thanks for the kind words. Your loyal following has been encouraging. Wishing you peace, always. And if you can't find peace, then I wish you strength of heart.
the shape of it provides more surface area. And when you punch, at least how i do lol, focusing on the last 3 knuckles assures your wrist is completely aligned with your for arm. Focusing on the top two might cause your wrist to violently bend down. I am still new, but this is my take on it. In class it seems we always make sure your...knife part of ur hand(for lack of a better term) is lined up with the bottom of the forarm in the vertical position, as much as can be. Did i say that right?
ReplyDeletemost of what i said was already said lol, didn't read, but apparently i figured out a bunch of it :D delete my comment and gl on ur WC journey.